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3 Tips for Adding A Home Theater


As people spend more time in their homes during the winter season, the search begins for ways to enhance your home and lifestyle and make it more enjoyable for the whole family.  Adding a home theater is more than just hanging the latest big screen television. In this article, we provide 3 tips for adding a home theater and what you need to know before you begin the process.

A great home theater experienced is contingent upon a few key pieces of equipment, technology, and installation can enhance your home and your lifestyle.  Whether you plan on screening the latest action film or you prefer to plug in and experience first-person video-game action, a home theater system can provide the stunning visual effects, sound, and graphics that ordinary television simply can’t produce.

Smart Home Technology Trends for 2023


Homeowners are taking the plunge and making significant investments in their home technology.  After all, we are all spending more time in our humble abodes since the pandemic.  The trends show this is well worth the investment.  In this article, we recap some of the hottest home technology trends for 2023 and ways that Maddox AV is helping luxury homeowners make their homes more suited to their lifestyle with technology and home automation.

The Top 3 Things You Need in Your Home Theater


Maddox Audio Video Design Provides home theater design and installation so that you can experience the next level of entertainment with our technology. Home theaters allow you to enjoy the full benefits of a movie theater without the hassle. To create a cinematic experience in your own home, here are the top 3 things you need in your home theater.


Selecting a Speaker for Your Whole Home Audio System


Whole home audio systems create an atmosphere that sets your home apart from your neighbors. Imagine being able to listen to your favorite music or movies from any room in your house. Traditional movie theaters offer a full immersion of surround sound to intensify any film. With a whole home audio system, you can re-create a cinematic experience in your own home or elevate the way you enjoy music. To do this, there are several components you need to consider including your selection of speakers.